Regal Chambers Surgery

50 Bancroft, Hitchin, Herts SG5 1LL

Telephone: 01462 453232

Sorry, we're closed

On Wednesday 2nd April from 12.30-5.30pm the surgery and phone lines will be closed for staff training. If you need medical advice during this time please call 111, thank you.    

Long Term Conditions Review

Long Term Conditions Review 

How the process will work

We want to give our patients with Long Term Conditions (LTCs) the best outcomes and guidance that we can.  To do this we need to ensure that there is an organised process for reviewing patients on an annual basis.

Patients with LTCs will be invited for their annual review usually within the month of their birthday. This process means that you will know when you are due to have an annual review and so will the practice team.

Patients can have more than one LTC. We aim for all conditions to be reviewed within one annual review process; however, this may mean that you need to attend more than one appointment, particularly if you need blood tests or have more than one LTC.

This process ensures that you are attending the surgery when you need to and that we are not asking you to attend the surgery unnecessarily.

LTCs include the following and the review will be with these clinicians:


LTC Healthcare Assistant Practice Nurse Clinical Pharmacist
Respiratory Disease   Y Y
Heart Disease Y    
Stroke Y    
Diabetes* Y    
Kidney Disease Y    
High Blood Pressure Y   Y
Mental Health



*you may require input from a doctor depending on blood test results

Please note these reviews are in addition to any hospital clinics you attend for your conditions.

  1. Your first invitation will be in your birthday month via letter, telephone or text – you will be contacted on two occasions.
  2. You will be asked to arrange a blood test appointment if needed.
  3. If, during your review the clinician feels you need to be seen more frequently than annually you will be advised of this during your appointment.

Your annual review is an important part of your care and it is helpful for us to have all your correct details.  If you need to update your details, please ask one of our receptionists how to do this.

There is a lot to cover in the appointment so please avoid bringing other medical issues to this appointment as your clinician will not be able to deal with them.  These additional queries should be directed via online consultation or a telephone call to reception for telephone triage assessment.


Opening Times

  • Monday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
    Phone lines closed 13.00-14.30
  • Tuesday
    08:00am to 12:30pm
    02:00pm to 06:30pm
  • Wednesday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
    Phone lines closed 13.00-14.30
  • Thursday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
    Phone lines closed 13.00-14.30
  • Friday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
    Phone lines closed 13.00-14.30
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
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